r128 + agpgart + APM suspend = death

From: Erik Andersen (andersen@codepoet.org)
Date: Sun Oct 28 2001 - 23:20:06 EST

I have a Dell Latitude C800 laptop. It works just great and
I can use agpgart + r128 + XFree86 4.0.1 to get nice full
screen 3D. tuxracer looks nice.

But if I suspend my laptop when the agpgart module is loaded
is seems to suspend just fine, but will not resume.... Just
a black screen (of death). If I ensure that the agpgart and
r128 modules are not loaded (by commenting out the 'Load "dri"'
line in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, then killing X and unloading
the modules) then I can suspend.

Anyone else seeing similar problems with APM + agpgart?
The problem has has been the same with all the 2.4.x kernels
I've tried it on, though I am running 2.4.12-ac6 at the moment.


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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