how to display manually set proxy ARP entries with iproute2?

From: Christopher Friesen (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 11:38:07 EST

This issue was posted on the netdev list a while back and got no answer.

I'm quoting the original post here:

Lutz Pressler wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not able to get information about manually set proxy ARP entries
> with the "ip" tool (iproute2-ss010824), tested on both 2.2.19 and
> 2.4.8-ac7 kernels.
> # ip neigh add proxy dev eth0
> The "arp" tool then yields (normal entries trimmed)
> # arp -n
> Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface
> ether 00:80:C8:F6:47:6F C eth0
> * * MP eth0
> but "ip" only shows
> # ip neigh show
> dev eth0 lladdr 00:80:c8:f6:47:6f nud reachable
> Is this expected behaviour or a (kernel) bug?

I'd like to know about this as well, since this is the only reason why I keep
the "arp" command around.


Chris Friesen                    | MailStop: 043/33/F10  
Nortel Networks                  | work: (613) 765-0557
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