The further way? (was: Re: AHA-154X/1535 not recognized any more)

From: Markus Schaber (
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 05:25:24 EST


Markus Schaber wrote:
[some Test results]

So what's the further way to go?

We found out that the kernel isapnp fails, while the isapnptools (with
"check" entry removed and the driver as a module) and a non-pnp
environment (where the BIOS initialzies it, and either a modularized and
a compiled in driver) work with this card.

Do I (as a non-kernel-hacker, and with only basic C experience) have any
chance to quickly read into the code and find and correct the bug? Or is
there anyone around here who just needs five minutes to adjust a few

As I said, I don't need the card any more, and am just waiting for this
thing to be resolved, and then I remove this ancient thing. I could even
send it to one of you per snail mail for some weeks to let you do
further tests. My intention was to give a possibility to get the bug
fixed :-)


Markus Schaber -- -- ICQ: 22042130
| Allgemeine Sig-Verletzung 0815/4711  <nicht OK> <Erbrechen> |
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