2.2.18-24 intermittent PS/2 mouse problems

From: Jeff V. Merkey (jmerkey@vger.timpanogas.org)
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 22:10:19 EST


I am still seeing intermittent mouse problems with a PS2 mouse on a
4 x PPro box with 2.2.18-24. When the system is first powered up,
the mouse detection is working great. If I reboot the machine without
powering it down, about 1 in 3 times I do this, the next kernel load
fails to detect the mouse. I have not looked at the driver to see
what state the Mouse port is in, but could.

Is there something I could do to help you debug this problem (i.e.
is there somewhere in the kernel code I should put in some
sanity checking to see if the mouse is being left in a good state.

Powering down the machine makes the problem go away. Does not happen
on 2.4.0-12, BTW, just 2.2.18-24.


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