bug in count_open_files() or a strange granularity?

From: Tigran Aivazian (tigran@veritas.com)
Date: Tue Nov 28 2000 - 10:13:44 EST


A simple experiment:

a) insert a code like this in the open() routine of some driver:

       struct files_struct *files = current->files;
       extern int count_open_files(struct files_struct *, int);

       printk(KERN_ERR "%s has %d files open\n",
                        current->comm, count_open_files(files, files->max_fdset));

b) write a program that opens that device and sleeps indefinitely. Run it,
you will see:

op has 32 files open

c) # lsof -p 659 | nl
     2 op 659 tigran cwd DIR 3,6 4096 225730
     3 op 659 tigran rtd DIR 3,6 4096 2 /
     4 op 659 tigran txt REG 3,6 14142 225732
     5 op 659 tigran mem REG 3,6 434945 295227
     6 op 659 tigran mem REG 3,6 4776568 295234
     7 op 659 tigran 0u CHR 4,9 348027 /dev/tty9
     8 op 659 tigran 1u CHR 4,9 348027 /dev/tty9
     9 op 659 tigran 2u CHR 4,9 348027 /dev/tty9
    10 op 659 tigran 3r CHR 10,184 98313

so, we see that the process has only 9 files open and yet
count_open_files() claims there are 32. Is this a bug of
count_open_files() or is this a minimal granularity (because there are 32
builtin descriptors in files_struct->fd_array[])?

I know that there is no problem due to the way it is called in
copy_files() -- it would only be above 32. But for what I want to use it,
I need the _correct_ number of open file descriptors and not some "rounded
up to 32" one.

(kernel assumed test12-pre2)


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