Patch: linux-2.4.0-test11ac4/drivers/net/tokenring/{tmspci,abyss}.c __devinit fixes

From: Adam J. Richter (
Date: Sun Nov 26 2000 - 01:31:50 EST

        Hooray! I see that Alan has included a port of the
drivers/net/tokenring/{tmspci,abyss}.c to the new PCI interface,
presumably by Adam Fritzler.

        This patch correct some minor errors where __devinit{,data}
should be used instead of __init{,data} so the driver does not
make illegal memory references in a hot plugging event. Even if
there is currently no hot pluggable version of these cards, I believe
the scenario would occur if you were to plug a notebook into
a PCI docking station that supports hot docking and had one of these
cards plugged in. So, the scenario can happen. I also added
__devinit to the eeprom reading routines, which are only called
by another __devinit routine.

        I hope this patch will be applied both to the development
version of the driver and, ideally, to Alan's tree, and really ideally,
propagated to Linus with the rest of Adam Fritzler's port.

Adam J. Richter     __     ______________   4880 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 104     \ /                  San Jose, California 95129-1034
+1 408 261-6630         | g g d r a s i l   United States of America
fax +1 408 261-6631      "Free Software For The Rest Of Us."

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