IDE0 /dev/hda performance hit in 2217 on my HW

From: LA Walsh (
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 16:52:37 EST

I skimmed over the archives and didn't find a mention of this. I thought
I'd noticed this when I first installed 2217, but I was too busy to verify
it at the time.

Simple case:
Under 2216, I can do a 'badblocks /dev/hda1 XXXXX'. Vmstat shows about
10,000K/s average. This is consistent with 'dd' operations I use to copy
partitions for disk mirroring/backup.

Under 2217, the xfer speed drops to near 1,000K/s. This is for both
and a 'dd' if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=256k. In both instances, I notice
a near 90% performance degredation.

Haven't tried any latest 2.2.18's -- has there been any work that might
have fixed this problem in 2218. Am I the only person who noticed this?
I.e. -- maybe it's something peculiar to my HW (Inspiron 7500),

L A Walsh                        | Trust Technology, Core Linux, SGI                      | Voice/Vmail: (650) 933-5338

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