Re: "Purify" and "Visual Quantify" for Linux?

From: Michael Chui (
Date: Mon Aug 28 2000 - 17:45:07 EST

Nomad the Wanderer <> writes:
>The problem is he's hooked on
>using Purify and Visual Quantify for sanity's Sake. IF I can find such
>tools for Linux, I can likely convince him to write a Linux only server
>and Linux/NT clients instead of aiming pirmarily for NT for Client and
>Someone Please tell me there are Linux tools similar to these.

        From a Rational intranet page:

Question: Are we planning a release of Purify for Linux?

Answer: Rational has announced intent to support Linux on IA64. This
release is at least a year out and we have not committed or announced
any schedules at this time. Please let us know what customers are
interested in Purify, Quantify or PureCoverage for Linux, and what
version of Linux (vendor & platform, e.g. RedHat SPARC or SUSE x86)
they are interested in us supporting so we can add them to our

Michael Chui
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