Bug: remounting CD-ROM drives does not lock/unlock drive

From: Rene Mayrhofer (rene.mayrhofer@vianova.at)
Date: Sun Aug 27 2000 - 07:56:48 EST

Hi all

Please CC me in replies, I am not subscribed to this list.

I was able to track the problem I mentioned in my last mail down to this: The
CD-ROM tray lock is only changed during mount/unmount, but it seems to be
impossible to change it when the CD-ROM is mounted. This is true for both cases:
when the lock is set (e.g. via setcd or via /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/lock) before
mounting, it stays so until the CD-ROM is unmounted. When the lock is not set
before mounting, there is no way to lock it.
And remounting does not change this behaviour. I switched CD-ROM driver
debugging on via /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/debug and the "Unlocking door!" and "door
locked." messages only show up during umount and mount.

For live CD-ROM filesystems, this is really needed. The CD-ROM drive must be
unlocked (while it is obviously still mounted) before rebooting the system. All
other options are extremely inconvenient for the user (e.g. waiting for the
mainboard/SCSI BIOS to reset the drive, changing the disk and doing another
reboot so that the updated disk can be booted from).

Is this a bug or a feature ? I consider it a bug but I would really like to hear
the opinions of the CD-ROM driver maintainers before I try to fix it.

best greets,
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