Re: How to change the time-slice value ?

From: Pierre Brua (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 14:35:22 EST wrote:
> How is it possible to change (run-time) the time-slice value applied to the
> Linux threads ?

        I suppose you are talking about kernel-level POSIX-compatible threads
included in the current glibc2 used by the Linux kernel.
        In that case you cannot change the timeslice, which is the default
Linux process timeslice. The Linux scheduler handle each thread almost
like an usual process.

> Could it be some parameter to the pthread_attr_setschedparam
> function ?


> If not, which is its default value ?

        Same than usual processes time-slice, which depends on your system
hardware (correct me if I'm wrong there).
        If you need that level of granularity, I suggest you to switch to a
real-time modified Linux kernel. But that would probably mean
redesigning your application heavily.

Hope it helps,


PARALLINE         Pierre BRUA    Parallelism & Linux
71,av. des Vosges Phone:+33 388 141 740
F-67000 STRASBOURG  Fax:+33 388 141 741
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