read consistency on master and partition devices

From: Andrew Clausen (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 04:55:21 EST

Hi all, (please keep cc'd)

Linux doesn't attempt to keep master (eg /dev/hda) and partition (eg /dev/hda5)
devices consistent. This is bad for Parted, because it does all IO through
the master device. Eg, if you do:

(1) mount /dev/hda4
(2) reboot, without unmounting /dev/hda4
(3) e2fsck /dev/hda4
(4) read() /dev/hda, looking at the bit of /dev/hda where /dev/hda4 lies,
you still get the old (dirty) partition.

Doing BLKFLSBUF on /dev/hda and /dev/hda[0-9] seems to have help. Are there
going to be other issues (eg: with the page cache)?

Note: Parted doesn't attempt to operate on mounted partitions. (Although,
it does check what file system is on a partition, by looking for signatures)

Andrew Clausen

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