Re: NTFS-like streams?

From: Kai Henningsen (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 07:13:00 EST (Linus Torvalds) wrote on 12.08.00 in <>:

> Ok. Let's focus a bit.
> Resource forks. HFS. NTFS. Real filesystems. Stuff that cannot sanely be
> done in user space.
> The "tarfs" thing is a complete red herring. It _can_ sanely be done in
> user space. That's how it's been done for the last 30 years.

That's one part. Another - and I'll grant you it's an almost completely
independent part - is having user level filesystems, both the full kind
and (if the stream support gets done as mounts, like Al wants) as mini-

Once both exist, tarfs (and ftpfs and many other things) is just a SMOP.

Incidentally, is there any *real* problem with the current VFS and user
space filesystems, or is that a SMOP?

MfG Kai

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