Re: NTFS-like streams?

From: Mo McKinlay (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 05:43:01 EST

# When people advance *Windows* as a *consistent* UI, something is *badly*
# wrong.

No, not really. Between applications, Windows is very consitent. Between
versions, there's horrible inconsisitencies (which I said, I believe).
# Yes, it's more consistant than X, but that's about the limit.

X isn't a desktop environment. GNOME is, KDE is, CDE is, X isn't.

# (Incidentally, they also have the "treat structured files as directories"
# thing. In purely user-level code. For a strictly selected set of
# structured files and contents thereof.)

Quite simply: That's nice for the MacOS, but the only comparison that can
be made is the type of feature we're discussing; the situation is very

The GNUstep people have got Bundles pretty well tied up on Linux
anyway.. being as MacOS X handles them like NeXTstep did - i.e., the GUI
behaviour is different from the command-line behaviour (the former treats
the bundle as a file, unless you tell it otherwise, the latter treats it
as the directory it actually is).

I know this works well on NeXTstep, but the average NeXTstep user is a tad
more clued up about things than your average Windows user, or even your
average Linux newbie.

Mo McKinlay             Chief Software Architect          inter/open Labs
GnuPG Key: pub  1024D/76A275F9 2000-07-22 Mo McKinlay <>

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