DRAM to CPU Frequency Ratio (Athlon)

From: Ookhoi (ookhoi@dds.nl)
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 07:39:43 EST


I have two exactly the same Athlon systems at 750MHz and 512 meg memory
(@ 133MHz). In the BIOS there is a option: "DRAM to CPU Frequency
Ratio", which can be 3:3 or 4:3. The Help says: "Using this item to set
the operating frequency of DRAM".

I just installed Debian on the machines, rebooted, changed one machine
to 3:3, the other was 4:3, and compiled a kernel on both of them. The
time it took was almost exactly the same (about 5 min 32 sec). The 3:3
one was 0.24 seconds faster.

Does Linux ignore the DRAM to CPU Frequency Ratio (if at all possible),
is it just a useless BIOS option (because of hardware limits or
something), or is it not supposed to make the machine faster (if, what
_does_ it do then ;-) ? (the book that came with the machine doesn't
tell me much about the option).



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