smbfs update to 2.4.0-test4

From: Urban Widmark (
Date: Sat Jul 15 2000 - 11:10:35 EST


2 patches, separating what is mostly formatting from "content" changes,
with things that should be updated in smbfs in 2.4.0-test. Most of this is
directly copied from 2.2.

smbfs-2.4.0-test4-debug.patch.gz: (compressed, large and boring)
* cleanup debug outputs using macros instead of unindented ifdefs
* print non-null terminated strings with %.*s
* "else" indentation fixes
* move list of changes to a separate ChangeLog file, maybe now people will
  list their changes not only if made to proc.c ...

* make smbfs see changes made on the server side by invalidating the
  smbfs directory cache on each new access.
  Note: 2.2 doesn't do this yet for all servers, it does for win95 (where
  updates are working) and not for winNT (where updates are not seen).
* fixes 'rm -rf' failures by not invalidating the dir.cache on all
  local operations (not on unlink, rmdir)
  Note: the 2.2 version removes all smb_invalid_dir_cache calls, but that
  is not necessary.
* fixes readdir problems on some (large/special) directories on some
  servers (NT4) by using info level 260 instead of 259.
* improved readdir_long (only sleep when needed for win95 and not always
  on "findnext")
* add aDIR flag for renaming directories on OS/2. (win95?)
  Note: not in 2.2 yet, but the change is copied from smbclient where it
  works, and I have positive user feedback on this.
* add "posix semantics for unlink"
  (unlink on a read-only file is apparently different in SMB and posix)

Things included that are not in 2.2
* replace local tolower #define since _ctype is exported
* remove redundant check for if the page is locked in smb_readpage

Please apply.


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