Re: [linux-audio-dev] lets go compile ! [was: lowish-latency patch and toolchain]

From: Helge Hafting (
Date: Wed Jul 12 2000 - 04:18:47 EST

> ps: i have only this one production box, as will most audio people.
> while we're doing a lot of application testing, these kernel patches
> are a lot more complicated for us to do. i'm certainly willing to
> keep up with the latest patches, but please acknowledge it's a whole
> lot more painful for me than for experienced kernel wizards with a
> dedicated kernel dev box.
> btw: is there any web resource on how to restructure one's system to
> have a working fallback w/o fuss while being able to play with the
> latest dev kernels plus the corresponding userspace upgrades
> (preferably w/o repartitioning) ? i went through having 2.0 and 2.2
> in parallel for some weeks and it gave me a headache.
Having several kernels is usually not a problem. You simply keep
several kernel images around, and set up lilo (or other loader)
to offer a kernel menu when booting. I have 4 kernels ready to boot,
that way: 2.0.36 and 3 of the latest 2.4-test kernels.
See "man lilo" for details. You don't need extra partitions
for this!

Most of userspace turns out to be backwards compatible, so new
stuff will usually work with old kernels. At least that is my
experience running debian.
If you run into
seriouys trouble here, consider keeping two sets of executables
in separate directories, and have your login script set up
PATH depending on kernel version. (uname -r provides
the version)
Something like: export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/`uname -r`: (and
else you want a path to.)

You may then have /usr/local/2.0.36 with corresponding tools,
/usr/local/2.4.0-test1-ac22 and so on, if this is necessary.

Helge Hafting

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