mfw on 2.2.16

From: Tom Craft (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 14:43:27 EST

I've got a seeming bug with mfw. Here's the situation:

Kernel 2.2.16, mfw compiled as a module, all ip masquerading options but
the netlink (?) device.

I'm attempting to forward a port on one machine (dynamic ip, port 23) to
another machine (, port 23). It doesn't appear to work.

Same problem when I use the local IP ( on that box.

When attempting to portforward with ipmasqadm, nothing happens. Connection
times out.
Command: ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 23 -R 23

When marking a packet with ipchains then using mfw, it gets connection
Commands: ipchains -I input 1 -y -p tcp -d 0/0 23 -m 1
                ipmasqadm mfw -A -m 1 -r 23

Ideas? Suggestions? This is a last resort. I've been going at this for hours.

David Bronaugh

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