Re: Kernel support for O_SHLOCK and O_EXLOCK?

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 18:36:59 EST

> You will see in this section a list of 5 different solutions to the
> locking problem. The very last one is the clean and simple one
> which uses O_SHLOCK and O_EXLOCK (where available).

The documentation implies this is just a stupid bug in the old berkeley
dbm. gdbm handles this case right as far as I can tell and I would hope
db2, db3, ldbm and sdbm also do.

This seems a kernel bandaid for a bogus library bug.

You don't need the atomicity. The only interesting case is the open/rename
race when you compact a database of some sort and that you cant solve
with O_SHLOCK either.


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