Re: Can O_SYNC be implemented by using fsync?

From: Jeff V. Merkey (
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 16:06:50 EST

Andi Kleen wrote:
> >
> > Why the hell is Netscape doing this? Netscape is a browser/mail
> > program, not a multi-user database, or are you refering to the server
> > side of NetScape? This doesn't sound right! Why would Netscape need to
> > write-through files all the time -- for browser failover?
> Netscape is a mail client. For mailers it makes sense to flush
> mailbox updates to disk. It seems to use a quite complicated
> database for its mail store.
> Also I guess fsync()ing bookmarks updates is useful.

It's still a single user app. How often does it do this, once per day?
Netscape using O_SYNC a lot is overkill.

How about a new patch?

    file->f_flags &= ~O_SYNC;


void DisableNetscapeOverkillMode(int on_off)
    if (!DisableOverKillMode)

Oops -- I forgot to update the W2K exception handler also for the
Windows 2000 version of the O_SYNC for file systems -- need to add a
Windows 2000 Exception filter,

try {

      if (ConsentDecreeExpired)
finally // on error of try case

   while (TRUE) // drop into an endless loop at this point


> -Andi

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