Unresolved symbols in lockd.o in 2.3.99-pre8

From: Kristoffer Brånemyr (ztion@swipnet.se)
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 14:50:39 EST


I have the nfs filesystem and nfs server compiled as modules. When I try
to insert either I get this message:

/lib/modules/2.3.99-pre8/fs/lockd.o: unresolved symbol memcpy
/lib/modules/2.3.99-pre8/fs/lockd.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.3.99-pre8/fs/lockd.o failed
/lib/modules/2.3.99-pre8/fs/lockd.o: insmod nfs failed

I tried to insert an EXPORT_SYMBOL(memcpy); in ksyms.c but no luck and
my kernel hacking skills goes no longer than that =).
It used to work around 2.3.99-pre3.

Here is the output of ver_linux:
-- Versions installed: (if some fields are empty or look
-- unusual then possibly you have very old versions)
Linux ztion 2.3.99-pre8 #12 lör maj 13 15:49:52 MET DST 2000 i586 unknown
Kernel modules 2.3.11
Gnu C 2.96
Linux C Library 2.1.3
Dynamic linker ldd (GNU libc) 2.1.3
Procps 2.0.5
Mount 2.9v
Net-tools 1.53
Kbd 0.93
Sh-utils 2.0
Modules Loaded es1371 ac97_codec soundcore nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437
vfat fat

I have an AMD K6-2 and I chose that option in the config, maybe memcpy have
been optimized for the other processors and then been forgotten to
export or something for k6-2? Well, i'm just guessing here...

If the .config is needed for some reason I can provide that too.

/Kristoffer Brånemyr

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