Re: For Alan Cox ...

From: david parsons (
Date: Sun May 14 2000 - 10:57:58 EST

In article <>,
Alan Cox <> wrote:
>> > you're in ORBS. complain to your admin/ISP.
>> ORBS is pretty much completely rogue at this point. If your mail server is
>> listed in ORBS, don't worry about it. It's the fools who choose to use ORBS
>> who are cutting themselves off.
>ORBS is a reliable testing service and is still the cut for about 30% of
>the spam I'd otherwise get. Most of the people who don't like ORBS are just
>poor or lazy sysadmins who can't keep their setup secure.

    Orbs is fairly sloppy. I used Orbs for about 35 minutes one day,
    and it tagged legitimate mail from 3 separate sites that don't allow
    relay spam (and only one of those sites was caught because of a
    "don't probe our network" .4 block.) The Vixie spamblocks seem to
    be much better, if backed up with local stuff to catch the spam
    generation sites that he's been bullied into not putting into the

    david parsons \bi/ Of course, catching up with networks solution spam
                   \/ is pretty much a full-time job.

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