Re: 2.3.99-pre8 freeze in X (with dd)

From: Lawrence Manning (
Date: Sat May 13 2000 - 08:30:25 EST

Hi Mark,

I hope you don't mind me sending my reply to the list too.

> are you sure you don't have your disk misconfigured? that is,
> using a lobotomized, sub-DMA mode?

It's using the nice 16bit DMA mode, same as its always used. Try a big dd
write in X. Your cursor should start "leap frogging" nicely. Bringing
up a xterm takes a few minutes, as compred to one or two seconds under the
same strain with 2.3.51.

> my bonnie runs show excellent performance.

Can't even get a 500meg bonnie to complete :-( I tried it in console mode
from a fresh boot and init died. Second try aborted about half way
through the getc test with "unable to open file". Strangely if I run as
root the inital putc test fails with a lack of memory problem. All
through the test swap steadily increases. I was out of the room when init
got killed though, and didn't have the console with top running visible...

Might try repatching and recompiling. Do you see any pci warning during
the compile? I get many....


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