recent changes in VFS

From: Roman V. Shaposhnick (
Date: Sat Apr 29 2000 - 03:17:49 EST


first of all, I would like to mention that recent changes in VFS
address_space_operations make me very happy because now 'writepage',
'prepare_write' and 'commit_write' return to good old days when the first
their argument was "struct file *". I hope you will agree that the
idea of storing information about opened files in private_data of the
"struct file *" seems to be very natural. Well, I do think so.

The problem here is 'readpage' -- it still uses dentry as a first argument.
Why ? Is there is any good reason for it ? Please keep in mind, that
every call of 'readpage' has the following structure:

      ->readpage(file->f_dentry, ...);

thus converting it to the common [ sense ] interface is just a matter of
deleting "->f_dentry" and adding "struct dentry *dentry = file->f_dentry"
to every fs implementation.


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