Re: Overlay filesystem

From: Alexander Viro (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 08:19:18 EST

On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Pavel Machek wrote:

> Yes. I have an userland filesystem, mounted on /overlay. Fs on
> /overlay has all files / filesystem has, plus many more. For example,
What for? Why do you want to do it for every bloody file?

> each file.gz has cooresponding file.gz#ugz, which contains its
> uncompressed version. Each file.tar has file file.tar#utar, which
> contains whole tree of that archive.

        _Ouch_. OK, first of all you don't want that sort of crap on
creation/removal/etc. of the objects, right? Now, what does your userland
fs do? Details, please.

> I could do chroot /overlay at the bootup, but that would be *very*
> slow (every fs request going through userland... Oh horror). So I
> created that patch...

> Is there better solution?

        I hope so. Because it surely sounds like an utterly messy kludge.
Just a question: what happens if you do
- where do you end up?

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