write data to POS-Keyboards

From: Michael Westermann (mw@microdata-pos.de)
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 07:27:22 EST


I have a little Problem. I have a POS-Keaboard with a Key-Lock.

The POS-keyboard is a PS/2 compatible. This POS-Keyboard send's the
Key-Lock Position when the position changed.
The Problem is, when the User-Programm startd, thre are no Keyposition.

The Keyboard send the key-lock-position when i send a little
byte-sequence to the keyboard.

My question is: is it useful when i write a Patch for the
Standard-kernel that I can send bytes to the Keyboard?

I have a few collecton of Keyboard's whit this Problem, and
a write a driver for a PS/2 Keyboard whit a Display.


Michael Westermann

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