Re: Error loading ip_tables.o on 2.3.99-pre5 - unresolved symbol _mmx_memcpy

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Wed Apr 12 2000 - 10:15:25 EST

> > I get Error loading ip_tables.o on 2.3.99-pre5 - unresolved symbol
> > _mmx_memcpy while trying to load module ip_tables after upgrading from
> > pre3, I get _mmx_memcpy unresolved when trying to load ip_tables.
> > .config file is attatched at the end
> Don't compile your kernel for the Athlon, compile for PPro
> (the Athlon support is incomplete)

That just needs a few people to include the right ksyms. The big problem
is that someone turned on the 3dnow stuff for the K6 as well. That shows up
the glitches pending fixing, and makes it a lot slower since on the K6 the
3dnow bits are not a win.

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