[patch] fairsched-0.40 MOVED

From: Borislav Deianov (borislav@lix.polytechnique.fr)
Date: Wed Apr 12 2000 - 08:35:00 EST


I'm going to lose my old hosting space soon, which gave me an excuse
to make Fairsched a SourceForge project. It can now be found at:


New release: fairsched-0.40 is out. Changelog and release notes below.



Release notes for v0.40:

This release brings some more changes to the system call interface
(hopefully the last for a while). The goal is to better support the
"one leaf node per user" usage scenario.

The user-space utilities package has been updated for this release.


New since v0.30:

- added "desired node ID" argument to fairsched_mknod
- allowed node IDs to take the full range of unsigned int values
- changed weight to unsigned int in the user interface
- added tasks column to /proc/fairsched
- changed duration calculations to always round up
- ported to 2.3.99-pre5, syscall numbers changed on sh

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