
From: Chipzz (chipzz@Ace.ULYSSIS.Student.KULeuven.Ac.Be)
Date: Tue Apr 11 2000 - 10:19:39 EST

Are there any known of epxloits in the kernel upto (or later then) kernel
2.2.12? Yesterday a server here running RedHat 6.1 locked up, and today when
I woke up my machine (RedHat 6.0 with kernel 2.2.10) was lcoked up too. I
could still use the magic Alt-SysRq though... Nothing in the logs here, and
I don't have access to the servers logs. But I suspect an exploit. Anyone?

Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout


-------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny Chipzz@Ace.ULYSSIS.Org --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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