Re: Slow pthread_create() under high load

From: Manoj Kasichainula (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 14:21:29 EST

On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 10:52:49AM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> Anyway, check out the netscape/mozilla threading library, and the one
> from Apache (which I think is based on the mozilla one). They may just
> fit your needs..

For the record, the threading library from what will be Apache 2.0
(Apache Portable Runtime) is based on pthreads at the moment. It
doesn't share any code with NSPR (the Netscape/Mozilla lib) and is
under a different license.

I doubt there would be any problem with adding code to work directly
off of Linux clone(). Someone just has to write it.

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