Re: Cylinder limits jumper for drives over 32GB

Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 18:53:24 EST

    From: David Elliott <>

    One thing seems interesting about the log below.... why does it say
    65530/15/61 ??? Linux thinks the logical geometry is 4982/255/63
    (which is correct) but maybe the drive thinks it is 65531/16/63

Yes, it does. (With jumper.)

[So these error messages come precisely at the end of the
truncated disk. But it seems that you are using CHS,
not LBA addressing:

 hda: dma_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound },
   CHS=65530/15/61, sector=48737112

and with CHS and 65531/16/63 it is clear that you cannot
get beyond 66055248 sectors. Why are you using CHS?]

["Linux thinks the logical geometry is 4982/255/63"
Note that this logical geometry is entirely irrelevant.
It is not used for I/O.]

["CurSects=-66060037" - that is a misinterpretation.
This number is FC1000FB, but both shorts were interchanged
and the correct number is 00FBFC10, which is 16514064.
A flaw in hdparm, I suppose.]


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