Re: VM modules in kernel?

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 12:40:48 EST

> I was thinking that faster VM speeds may be possible if the
> kernel can be tweaked more freely due to the GPL nature of the
> Plex86/bochs projects now.

Remember something here. IBM tuned the hardware to this, and to an extent
they tuned the software on top of VM. They have a lot of cards to play that
Motorola m68K chips did but x86 does not.

Im hoping transmeta can manage to add a virtualised 386 mode to their chip.
Here's hoping they are listening ;)

In the Linux case we have another weapon (other than fear suprise and the
cuddly penguin) which is that we don't give two hoots[1] if the kernel running
on the hypervisor is not a normal x86 kernel. If it provides the APIs and
it runs x86 user space its fine.

Consider the user mode kernel as a more interesting starting point.

[1] Arguably we don't give one hoot or even a ho[2] either
[2] half a hoot

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