Re: How a normal user can crash any linux system

From: Michael Bacarella (
Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 12:29:17 EST

> I found the following by accident playing with PVM. If you start the
> 'gexample' from the examples directory with dimension=10000 and no of
> tasks=32 on one machine, it becomes almost immediately completely un-
> usable and begins with heavy swapping. Considering how much memory
> would be necessary for this computation before starting it would have
> avoided the trouble.


> Actually random processes are killed: I've seen klogd, syslogd, cron,
> gpm
> and inetd disappear. In some cases the machine was unaccessible locally
> as
> well as remotely, but the kernel seemed to be still running -- ping
> showed
> the machine still up.

The ongoing thread "Overcommitable memory...", and many previous
threads have been a raging discussion over this very issue.

There is no easy solution to it.

In the meantime, get _lots_ of swap and if you let users other than
yourself onto your box, make use of rlimits.

Michael Bacarella

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