#!/bin/sh cat <<.EOF NOTE: This script expects to be run with the same PATH that you use when compiling the kernel or application you are having problems with. If such is not the case, please disregard the following, set your PATH to the one you use, and rerun this script. ==} The following software versions appear to be installed: .EOF echo "/proc/version :-" cat /proc/version | sed 's/) /)£/g' | tr '£' '\n' | sed 's/^/ /' echo "uname -a :-" \uname -a | sed 's/\(#[0-9]*\) /\1£/' | tr '£' '\n' | sed 's/^/ /' echo \insmod -V 2>&1 | \awk 'NR==1 {print "Kernel modules ",$NF}' echo "Gnu C " `\gcc --version 2> /dev/null || echo ''` \ld -v 2>&1 | awk -F\) '{print $1}' | \awk \ '/BFD/{print "Binutils ",$NF}' \ls -l `ldd /bin/sh | \awk '/libc/{print $3}'` | \sed -e 's/\.so$//' \ | \awk -F'[.-]' '{print "Linux C Library " $(NF-2)"."$(NF-1)"."$NF}' echo -n "Dynamic linker " \ldd -v > /dev/null 2>&1 && \ldd -v || \ldd --version | \head -1 \ls -l /usr/lib/lib{g,stdc}++.so 2>/dev/null | \awk -F. \ '{print "Linux C++ Library " $4"."$5"."$6}' \ps --version 2>&1 | \awk 'NR==1{print "Procps ", $NF}' \mount --version | \awk -F\- '{print "Mount ", $NF}' \hostname -V 2>&1 | \awk 'NR==1{print "Net-tools ", $NF}' # Kbd needs 'loadkeys -h', \loadkeys -h 2>&1 | \awk \ '(NR==1 && ($3 !~ /option/)) {print "Kbd ", $3}' # while console-tools needs 'loadkeys -V'. \loadkeys -V 2>&1 | \awk \ '(NR==1 && ($2 ~ /console-tools/)) {print "Console-tools ", $3}' \expr --v 2>&1 | awk 'NR==1{print "Sh-utils ", $NF}' echo echo "Modules Loaded :-" cat /proc/modules | \sed -e "s/ .*$//" | \sort -f | tr '\n' ' ' \ | sed 's/^/ /' cat <<.EOF ==} If some fields are empty or look unusual, then it is possible that ==} you have very old versions thereof. .EOF