Re: elevator messages in 2.3.50

From: Stefan Monnier (monnier+lists/linux/kernel/news/@RUM.CS.YALE.EDU)
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 14:23:05 EST

>>>>> "Jamie" == Jamie Lokier <> writes:
> `` Does a small holdoff time improve the average throughput? ''

I'm quite willing to believe that it does improve throughput if you
have throughput to improve, as is the case on servers where several
active processes are accessing the disk.

When there's only one active process, waiting is a waste of time and
will just end up slowing you down, increasing your apparent disk latency.

So your idea sounds good up to a point, but we need some way to be able
to decide "cleverly" whether to wait or not since waiting can be a very
undesirable choice. Maybe we could wait only for requests coming from
niced processes ?

Now that I think about it, that's maybe exactly what you were getting
at. Then I completely agree: having some way to "slow-down" background
I/O hogs would be great, since niceing those processes tends to be
completely ineffective. If it turns out that nicing your squid/apache/foo
server also improves its throughput, all the better!


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