I/O in linux

From: Badrinath Venkatachari (badri@cs.wpi.edu)
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 06:25:51 EST

 I am trying to understand the I/O scheduling under linux.

 I believe linux right now implements the elevator algorithm in only one
direction...(CSCAN). Would it be possible to implement elevator in both
directions ??

 Also, I was trying to modify the scheduling algorithm slightly by
redirecting the requests to a function that I wrote to sequence the
requests based on some priority. To periodically move the requests from my
Q to the linux Q I need to have a timer-based thread that does
it (basically issues make_requests periodically for each request
in the Q I maintain). However, I am not sure about how I can initialize
this thread before any I/O can be handled...

 please help.....anyone.
thanks a lot in advance.


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