Re: /proc/nzombies

From: Albert D. Cahalan (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 23:59:42 EST

Various people:

> ps ax | grep -c '<zombie>'
> ps ax | grep -c '<z[o]mbie>'
> ps acx | grep '<defunct>'
> ps acx | awk '$6 == "<defunct>"'

You can ask ps for what you want:

ps -eo s | grep -c Z # Linux and Solaris
ps -eo state | grep -c Z # Linux and every UNIX except Solaris
ps axo state | grep -c Z # Linux, Tru64, AIX, and some non-UNIX crap

Jos Visser writes:

> The following is wrong with it:
> 1) It is too slow

Too bad. For nearly everyone, a fast exit() is far more important.

> 2) It is not full (fool) proof

With my changes it is very reliable.

> 3) It takes too much resources to execute very often in
> a monitoring system that you want to be non-intrusive

"Doctor, it hurts when I do this." --> "Don't do that."
(poll less often, or just don't make zombies)

> 4) It is Linux distribution dependent (ps flags)

You can upgrade ps.

> 5) It is somewhat unwieldy from a C program

Too bad. For nearly everyone, a fast exit() is far more important.

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