Re: /proc/nzombies

From: Jos Visser (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 02:23:03 EST

Indeed. I would surely be in favour for including it in the kernel and
making it
a configurable option. CONFIG_PROC_NZOMBIES?

I'll go out and make a patch. Would it have to be against the latest
2.3.x kernel?


Ricky Beam wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> >Ok, so I see your point, and agree that you do need to monitor
> >the system with something. Doing so in-kernel is likely a nice
> >easy way for you to do so, and that is fine. I don't think it is
> >ok to put it in the mainstream kernel though, as it just ads
> >more bloat. It would be useful for specific systems however.
> "bloat"? It's two lines of code in the process exit path. That adds, what,
> four cpu cylces to process termination? That's not bloat. The price of
> tracking process zombies in the kernel is far, far less than tracking it
> in user land.
> I see no reason why this shouldn't be added as a configurable feature. If
> you don't want it or need it, then don't compile it in.
> --Ricky
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