Re: Load linux...from linux?

From: Rob Hall (
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 14:00:04 EST

         Now this is an idea... has anyone else thought along these lines? I
would assume that Lilo would have to be rewritten so it could be called upon
if the system were reset?

Rob Hall

Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote:

> While watching my system boot this morning, waiting for it to finish
> scanning the various SCSI controllers, I found myself wondering if maybe
> there was a way to avoid all this delay.
> If loadlin can load linux from under DOS, and BootX can load linux from
> under MacOS, is it possible to write something similar that runs linux?
> For instance, it would be nice if the last action when rebooting a linux
> system were (optionally) to load and execute a new kernel image, rather
> than reset the system.
> Or better yet, shutting down a linux system would return one to a boot
> loader prompt from which one could select a new kernel (kind of a
> poor-man's open firmware).
> Has anyone worked on something like this?
> -- Lars
> --
> Lars Kellogg-Stedman <> -->
> -
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