Re: 3dfx 3500TV

From: J. Scott Kasten (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 13:46:37 EST

I beleive it's the BT848 or what ever chip. And yes, it should
be supported. I've been eyeing that card myself. However, one
of the guys that I work with said that there apparently is some
sort of resource limitation with the card so you can configure
it to do either high quality graphics, or high quality video
capture, but not both at the same time. I'd be interested what
others have to say.

On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 07:02:59PM +0100, Butter, Frank wrote:
> hi,
> does anyone know which video chip the 3500 TV (is it bttv) has
> and whether it is supported?
> frank
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J. Scott Kasten

jsk AT tetracon-eng DOT net

"That wasn't an attack. It was preemptive retaliation!"

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