Re: Announce: initrd-tftp 0.1

From: Avery Pennarun (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 16:59:34 EST

On Mon, Jan 10, 2000 at 09:51:32PM +0100, Bas Mevissen wrote:

> These results just melt away any objections against doing dhcp, bootp,
> tfp, ftp, whatever in initrd and not in kernelspace.

Well, I'm pretty sure dhcpd uses stdio and malloc, so it won't save nearly
as much space unless you replace those libraries with something of the
not-glibc variety.

> Hmmm. Can someone help shrinking /sbin/insmod.static and
> /sbin/rmmod.static on my Red Hat 6.1 system, because they are used for an
> initrd. It would be good to have static versions of these build in
> standard modutils package! Philip, can you please do this or point me to
> the correct one to ask for it?

It gets really inefficient really fast to have _lots_ of static binaries on
one disk. My ideal solution would be something like this:

        - glibc2.1-based basic kernel calls (read, write, socket, etc)
        - Cygnus newlib-based stdio/malloc
        - all apps statically linked and merged into a single binary that
          keys off argv[0], in the manner of Debian's 'busybox' program.
        - and it all builds automatically :)
I'm probably dreaming, but I've been wanting to do it for quite a while now.

Have fun,


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