Re: Announce: initrd-tftp 0.1

From: Erik Corry (
Date: Sun Jan 09 2000 - 15:49:08 EST

"Hans de Goede" <> wrote:

> And please don't give me the initrd attached to kernel image argument,
> that sucks from a maintainance point of view. What if each system needs
> a different initrd because the initrd contains some specific info? With
> tftp this is trivial.

A more productive way forward might be to make a version of
the tftp or bootp server that can link up a kernel+initrd
combination on demand when the request comes in. So you
still have two different files on the server side, if that
is what you need for maintainability.

Apart from keeping stuff out of the kernel, this means you
can load the network driver from the initrd with insmod
options, etc.

Erik Corry           Ceterum censeo, Microsoftem esse delendam!
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